Here you meet the building blocks of the OOBN PL, i.e. the patterns. First, the anatomy of each pattern is introduced; the anatomy reveals the sections composing the patterns and the information included in each of them. New patterns added to this OOBN PL need to follow the template provided in the anatomy and include the data it describes. Following the anatomy is the patterns catalogue, which lists all the patterns comprising the OOBN PL categorized by the family they belong to.

Pattern Anatomy

Each of the patterns has the following anatomy, this represents that template that needs to be filled for any additional patterns that will be added to the OOBN PL:

Table 1: The sections of the patterns included in the OOBN PL

Pattern component Name Description
Name A name by which the pattern can be referenced
Version The version of the pattern so in the cases when the pattern is modified or updated, changes can be tracked
Pattern language family The knowledge domain from which this pattern is extracted
Modeling phase At which model building phase should this pattern be applied
Modeling step At which model building step should this pattern be applied. Modeling steps provide more granular description of modeling phases
Problem A description of the context in which the pattern will be used and the challenge or issue that the pattern is meant to address.
Solution n explanation of how to solve the problem described in the pattern as well as details on how to implement that solution.
Structure As the pattern language should be used to develop BN models, which are graphical models, this section describes the structure of the graphical model after applying the proposed solution. Additionally, for the patterns applying OOP solutions, this section includes a graphical representation of those solutions such as UML diagrams
Constraints Any contradictory forces that need to be considered when applying the pattern
Related patterns Other patterns that may be related to this pattern. The other patterns can describe other solutions related to the same problem, describe methods to handle the constraints, or can be applied in the same context but not for the exact same problem
Design Choice and model quality This section represent the approach we follow to link patterns to model qualities (for more details please refer to the paper)
Resources Description of the main literature resources that were used to inform the solution presented in the pattern

Patterns Catalogue